Crapo Supports Passage of Bill To Give Congress Say In Any Iran Nuclear Agreement
05/07/2015   Mike Crapo's Official Personal Website

Washington, D.C.—On the heels of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address before a joint session of Congress, Idaho Senator Mike Crapo today supported passage of legislation to give Congress and the American people a role in the fate of any forthcoming Iran arms deal. The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which cleared the Senate by 98-1 vote,would require the President to submit a final agreement to Congress for review before any existing congressional sanctions are lifted—sanctions which Crapo say motivated Iran’s interest in negotiating with the U.S. and its allies in the first place.

“Preventing a nuclear Iran and subsequent chaos to the Middle East is one of the most pressing national security challenges facing the U.S. and the world,” said Crapo. “While the bill is far from perfect, it presents the only real opportunity for Congress to review and debate the merits of any forthcoming Iran arms deal. The consequences of a bad deal are monumental. The President should submit any agreement reached with Iran to the Congress for approval or rejection.”

Specifically, the bill would make the following stipulations:

  • Requires the President to submit the final agreement to Congress for review;
  • Prohibits the President from waiving the statutory sanctions while Congress reviews the agreement within 30 days;
  • Gives Congress power to enact a joint resolution of disapproval that would prevent the President from waiving or suspending congressional sanctions;
  • Holds Iran accountable through a certification of compliance every 90 days;
  • Provides an expedited process for Congress to restore sanctions if Iran is found to be noncompliant;
  • Includes strong reporting requirements on Iran’s support for terrorism, its human rights violations and ballistic missile testing.
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